Accessing The Counselor Reporting Dashboard | GoToCollegeFairs

Accessing The Counselor Reporting Dashboard

Registration/Log In:
High school counselors can register themselves at Use the "Sign In" button in the top right-hand corner of the page to access the login portal.

Whether accessing an existing account or registering for a new account, ensure the correct school is entered. It’s often easiest to search for the school by ZIP code:

After you register, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your request. Counselor accounts undergo manual review before access is granted, which may take a few days. During this period, the account will remain locked until it is approved by our staff. Once your account is approved, you will receive an email notifying you that access has been granted.

For security reasons, we only approve counselor accounts registered with an official school email address; personal email addresses will not be accepted.

Counselor Portal Dashboard:

A few notes about the counselor portal dashboard:
  1. Students can be bulk registered via “Express Student Pre-Registration.” Learn how here: How To Express Register Students
  2. Student barcodes can be downloaded by either “Print A Single Student Barcode” or “Print Student Barcodes” from within the table. 
  3. The ability to “Print Your Counselor Barcode” is available within the table as well.
  4. The Student Attendance Report shows how many students attended that fair.
  5. Click on an event name to view the students that attended.
  6. Events can be filtered by search, event name, start date, location, or EventId.
  7. Student reports are sorted by event date and student graduation year.
  8. Student attendance reports are available for download via Excel or CSV. 
College Interest Report:

The College Interest Report identifies how many students were scanned by a particular college over the past three years. 
The CIR is available for download via Excel or CSV.

For more on your dashboard reports, read this article  Reports and Features In The Counselor Reporting Dashboard

For more information about counselor dashboards, watch this short video: 

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