Best Practice: College Virtual Fair Confirmation
This email can be sent from any email system. For Swoogo settings see below:
Swoogo Settings:
- Communicate > Automated Emails > Triggered When: Registration is confirmed (Registration Confirmation) > +Create This Email Type
- From Email should be "" due to our whitelisting best practices. Ask your PM about upgrading to your org's email address.
- (Optional) Reply-To Email - Use this if you would like your recipients' responses to be sent to you instead of to our unmonitored email box.
- Create Email Template Body from below
- Deselect checkbox: 'It should be sent to all registrants, regardless of their responses'
- Select: All conditions are met below (AND)
- 'Sessions' is equal to [the virtual college fair]
- 'Registration Type' is equal to 'College'
Dear College,
Thank you for registering for the */event-name/*. What happens next?
We look forward to seeing you at the fair!
(Org Logo)
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