Best Practice Email: Complete Your College Matchmaking® Profile TODAY

Best Practice Email: Complete Your College Matchmaking® Profile TODAY

This email can be sent from any email system.  (For Swoogo settings see below):

Subject: Complete College Matchmaking® For Maximum Leads


Hi */registrant-first_name/*,

Did you know that you could be missing out on student leads?  Luckily, there's a quick solution!

Complete your 5-question College Matchmaking® profile form TODAY to be included in the GoToCollegeFairs' College Matchmaking® service which is included at the (Organization Name) fair(s). Students and colleges registered for our college fairs are matched on student-selected attributes. Students who opt-in to this service during registration receive an email with a list of institutions that match four or more of the attributes they desire in a school, and colleges receive those matched students as leads in their secure student lead portal.

To complete your College Matchmaking® profile, click here (provide link).

If the above link does not open up your unique College Matchmaking® profile form, then copy+paste the following URL into your internet browser and enter the below information:
Event ID - */event-id/*
Registrant ID - */registrant-id/*
Email address - */registrant-email/*
Don't miss out on getting more student leads from this college fair.

See you there!

(Org Signature and Logo)

Swoogo Settings:
  1. Communicate > Notifications & Reminders > Templates > +Create Email
    1. From Email should be "" due to our whitelisting best practices. Ask your PM about upgrading to your org's email address.
    2. (Optional) Reply-To Email - Use this if you would like your recipients' responses to be sent to you instead of to our unmonitored email box.
    3. Create Email Template Body from below
  2. Communicate > Notifications & Reminders > Sent & Scheduled > +Schedule Notification/Reminder
    1. Choose Email Template
    2. Choose Date Before Student Registration Opens
    3. Set Registration Status to: "Confirmed"
    4. Deselect checkbox: 'It should be sent to all registrants, regardless of their responses'
      1. +New Condition
      2. Select: All conditions are met below (AND)
      3. 'Sessions' is equal to '[your virtual college fair name]'
      4. 'Registration Type' is equal to 'College'

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