

Navigate to 'Booths' by clicking it on the navigation bar.

Booth List

  1. View your department's booths for each event.
  2. Search for a booth by institution name, event type, or event.
  3. Sort the records by institution name, event type, event, or modified time using the column headers.

  1. View or edit each booth's details using the action buttons.

Updating a Booth

  1. Click the pencil 'Update' button in the 'Actions' column (shown above) for the booth you would like to edit.

Booth Information

  1. Institution Name: Enter the name of your department.
  2. Event: The event this booth is for is displayed here. You cannot edit this field.
  3. Booth Logo: Upload a logo that will appear in your booth (recommended size 800 x 600 pixels).
  4. Directory Logo: Upload a logo that will appear in the directory (recommended size 300 x 300 pixels).
  5. About: Provide information about your department for attendees.
  6. Click the 'Contact' tab to proceed to the next section.


  1. Contact Us: Enter the link to your admissions office contact page.
  2. Website: Enter the link to your institution's website.
  3. Provide the Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Country of your institution.
  4. Click the 'Media' tab to proceed to the next section.


  1. Videos: Click the 'Add Videos' button. Select the video you would like to add to your booth from the dropdown. If there are no videos to select, upload them to your 'My Media Library: Videos'.
  2. Links: Click the 'Add Links' button. Select the link you would like to add to your booth from the dropdown. If there are no links to select, upload them to your 'My Media Library: Links'.
  3. Documents: Click the 'Add Documents' button. Select the document you would like to add to your booth from the dropdown. If there are no documents to select, upload them to your 'My Media Library: Files'.
  4. Click the 'Communications' tab to proceed to the next section.


  1. 1:1 Message Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the ability for you to message attendees one on one at the event.
  2. Group Video Chat Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the ability for you to group video chat with attendees.
  3. Group Video Chat: If you would like to use your own group video chat platform, please enter the join link here. Enabling 'Group Video Chat' and leaving this field blank will activate our built-in group video chat service.
  4. Click the 'Booth Attributes' tab to proceed to the next section.

Booth Attributes

  1. The fields in this section vary depending on what information the Event Organizer wishes to collect. Below is an example for your reference.
  2. Click the 'Submit & Exit' button when finished.

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