How to Add Users in FairStop | GoToCollegeFairs

How to Add Users in FairStop

Before Getting Started:
  1. Register for a virtual event: How to Register as a College for Virtual Fairs
  2. Log in to FairStopHow to Access the Virtual Venue (FairStop)
Adding Users
From the FairStop dashboard, click on 'Users'

Click 'Create User'

Enter the new users:
  1. Full Name
  2. Email address
  3. Select the appropriate role:

  1. Exhibitor - Operate the booth and interact with attendees on live event days
  2. Exhibitor Manager - Operate the booth and manage the booth settings and content
  3. Exhibitor Administrator - Operate the booth, manage the booth settings and content, and add or remove users 
New users will receive an email invitation for FairStop from
Please make sure is listed as a safe sender and/or check spam and junk folders. If emails are still not being received, see: Why Am I Not Getting Emails from GoToCollegeFairs?

Click 'Save Changes' to save the new user. 

Users List
The 'Users List' contains all users for a college/organization. 

Edit or remove users using the icons in the Actions column.
Deleted users can be recovered at any time in the 'Users Trash' page using the icon in the Actions column.

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