Registering Students For Virtual Fairs | GoToCollegeFairs

Registering Students for Virtual Fairs

From Fair Selection Page, navigate to the desired fair's register button. 

Locate the register button on the opened website.

If already registered and wish to add another fair, select 'Modify Existing Registration / Add More Fairs'.

Complete the registration form, filling out all required fields noted with asterisk (*).
Make sure to select 'Student' as the registration type. Complete the profile information and click continue.

Select the correct fair.

After selecting a fair, students will fill out their desired college attributes including:
  1. Geographic Region
  2. Campus Size
  3. Campus Setting
  4. Institution Type
  5. Majors Offered
Last, we ask students to fill out some personal questions such as date of birth, high school, academic interests, graduation date, and when they plan to attend college. 
Fill out the page and click continue to complete registration.
Students will not receive a barcode for virtual fairs. 

Students have the right to opt-out of data sharing practices with universities. This must be done for each association's registration. For more information on opting out of matchmaking, see: How to Opt-Out of Sharing My Student Data
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