Updating Your Profile

Updating Your Profile

Navigate to your profile by clicking your account in the top right corner, then clicking 'Profile'.


The profile contains information about the user.
  1. Role: Only Exhibitor Administrators can update their role.
    1. Exhibitor: Ability to view booth details, operate booths, scan in the mobile app, and view reports.
    2. Exhibitor Manager: Same functionality as the Exhibitor role plus the ability to edit content.
    3. Exhibitor Administrator: Same functionality as the Manager role plus the ability to create/edit/remove users.
  2. Email: This field cannot be modified.
  3. First Name: Update your first name if desired.
  4. Last Name: Update your last name if desired.
  5. Sound Notifications: Toggle to enable or disable sound notifications.
  6. Click the 'Submit & Exit' button when finished.

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