Add Event Components

Add Event Components

On the main dashboard, you will see a 'Get Started' section. Click on the green 'Go' button next to 'Add Event Components'. This will bring you to a guided workflow to add all the necessary components to your event.

Add Registrant Types

This section is where you create additional registrant types. Review the list of existing registrant types on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new registrant type, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Registration Questions'.
  1. Name: Enter the name of the new registrant type.
  2. Click 'Submit & Continue to Next Step' when finished

Add Registration Questions

This section is where you create questions for your registration forms. Review the list of existing questions on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new registration question, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Registration Forms'.
  1. Name: Enter the question here. (First Name, Last Name, Mobile, Email, Address, City, Zip Code, State, Country, Date of Birth, High School, Graduation Year, Year Starting College questions are already collected from the registrants when they first register to OnCampus Events. Their responses will be available for you without having to specifically ask for them in your event's registration forms.)
  2. Help Text: Provide a hint sentence if desired.
  3. Type: Select the question type from the 'Type' dropdown options.
  4. Click 'Submit & Continue to Next Step' when finished

Add Registration Forms

This section is where you build registration forms. Review the list of existing registration forms on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new registration form, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Departments'.
  1. Form Name: Enter the name of your new form
  2. Click the 'Add Registrant Form Fields' button to begin building your form.
  3. Repeat the below for each added field:
    1. Form Field: Select the question you would like to include. (If you would like to add a question that is not listed, see related article: Form Fields to create it.)
    2. Required: Toggle to enable or disable required if the question is mandatory. Required is toggled on by default.
  4. Drag and drop the form fields to reorder them if desired.
  5. Click the 'Submit & Exit' button when finished.

Add Departments

This section is where you create the departments featured in your events. Review the list of existing departments on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new department, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Exhibiting Department Forms'.
  1. Name: Enter the new exhibiting department in the name field.
  2. Contact First Name: Provide the department contact's first name.
  3. Contact First Name: Provide the department contact's last name.
  4. Contact Email: Enter the department contact's email.
  5. Click 'Submit & Continue to Next Step' when finished.

Add Exhibiting Department Forms

This section is where you build exhibiting department forms for virtual events. Review the list of existing forms on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new form, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Speakers'.
  1. Form Name: Enter the name of your new form.
  2. Click the 'Add Exhibitor Form Fields' button to begin building your form.
  3. Repeat the below steps (a and b) for each added field:
    1. Form Field: Select the question you would like to include. (If you would like to add a question that is not listed, see related article: Form Fields to create it.)
    2. Required: Toggle to enable or disable required if the question is mandatory. Required is toggled on by default.
  4. Drag and drop the form fields to reorder them if desired.
  5. Click the 'Submit & Exit' button when finished.

Add Speakers

This section is where you create speakers that will be presenting at your events. Review the list of existing speakers on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. If you do not wish to create a new speaker, skip this section by clicking on the next section 'Add Sponsors'.
  1. First Name: Enter the speaker's first name.
  2. Last Name: Enter the speaker's last name.
  3. Picture: Upload their photo for display if desired.
  4. Company: Provide the speaker's company.
  5. Job Title: Enter the speaker's title.
  6. Phone: Provide their phone number.
  7. Biography: Add a background summary or biography for the speaker.
  8. Click 'Save & Exit' when finished

Add Sponsors

This section is where you create sponsors. Review the list of existing sponsors on the right before creating a new one to avoid duplicating. 
  1. Name: Enter the new sponsor's name
  2. Logo: Upload their logo image.
  3. Website: Add their website link if desired.
  4. Click the 'Save & Exit' button when finished.

Now that you have finished adding the necessary components, you are ready to create an event! See: Add Event
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