Release Notes: Lead File | v. 3.0 | 8.25.2022

Release Notes: Lead File | v. 3.0 | 8.25.2022

New and Improved:
The lead data file has been updated to better serve college needs. See this related article for further information on understanding your student lead data: Understanding Lead Data
This release will very likely result in the need for colleges to adjust their import mapping for the GTCF lead files.

We have added three new customized fields to the lead data file. (See Attachments)
  1. AreaofSpecialty (column: DN) - Specific, intended area of specialty of performing and visual arts disciplines
  2. Discipline (column: DO) - Checklist selection of performing and visual arts disciplines
  3. OtherDiscipline (column: DP) - If "Other" is selected from the above discipline checklist, the student types in their discipline here

This change has been made at the request of NACAC and only applies to their PVA and STEM fair student data.

GoToCollegeFairs has included permission to text in our privacy policy.  This permission only extends to our use for texting students (sending barcodes, reminders, etc).  Colleges will need to secure permission on their own to text students, if applicable.

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