Virtual Venues

Virtual Venues

Navigate to 'Events', then click 'Virtual Venues'.

Virtual Venues List

  1. View all created virtual venues. (If your list is empty, first create a virtual or hybrid type event. See related article: Events)
  2. Search for a virtual venue by name.
  3. Sort the records by name, status, or modified time by using the column headers.

    1. View settings, edit or preview each virtual venue by using the action buttons.

    Updating a Virtual Venue

    1. Click the 'Update' pencil button under the actions column.


    1. Published: Toggle whether your event is published or unpublished.
    2. Banner: Select or upload an image to display at the top of all venue pages.
    3. Color Theme: Select one of the preset color themes for the venue's user interface. 
    4. Header Background Color: Select or enter the HEX code for the color of the header.
    5. Footer Background Color: Select or enter the HEX code for the color of the footer.
    6. Reception Background: Select or upload a background image to display on the login page of the virtual venue.
    7. Reception Background Author Name: Enter the name of the author of the background image for photo credit.
    8. Reception Background Author URL: Enter the URL of the author of the background image for photo credit.
    9. Accessibility Helper Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable an accessibility helper widget for attendees.
    10. Featured Sponsor Types: Toggle to enable or disable which sponsor types will be featured on your virtual venue.
    11. Click the 'Event Dates' tab to proceed to the next section.

    Event Dates

    1. Venue Display Date Start: Select the date and time the live event will start.
    2. Venue Display Date End: Select the date and time the live event will end.
    3. Presentations Start: Select the date and time the presentations will start.
    4. Presentations End: Select the date and time the presentations will end.
    5. Click the 'Communications' tab to proceed to the next section.


    1. Group Video Chat Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the ability to group video chat for all booths.
    2. 1:1 Message Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the ability to message one-on-one for all booths.
    3. Chat Start: Select the time when the ability for attendees and exhibitors to chat will start. 
    4. Chat End: Select the time when the ability for attendees and exhibitors to chat will end. 
    5. Attendee Support Chat ID: If you utilize TileDesk and would like to moderate support chat for the event, enter the TileDesk project ID here.
    6. Attendee Support Chat Enabled: Toggle to enable or disable the attendee support chat feature.
    7. Attendee Support Chat Start: Select the time when attendee support chat will be available.
    8. Attendee Support Chat End: Select the time when attendee support chat will be unavailable.
    9. Click the 'College Fairs' tab to proceed to the next section.

    College Fairs

    1. College Fair Module Label: This label is 'College Fair' by default. Rename if desired.
    2. Module Active: Toggle to enable or disable the college fair module.
    3. Enable Carousel: Toggle to enable or disable the automatic rotation of displayed booths.
    4. Institution Name Label: This label is 'Institution Name' by default. Rename if desired.
    5. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the booth filters for attendees.
    6. Click the 'Educational Sessions' tab to proceed to the next section.

    Educational Sessions

    1. Sessions Module Label: This label is 'Sessions' by default. Rename if desired.
    2. Module Active: Toggle to enable or disable the sessions module.
    3. Session Name Label: This label is 'Name' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the session filter for attendees.
    4. Session Status Label: This label is 'Status' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the status filter for attendees.
    5. Speakers Label: This label is 'Speakers' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the speakers filter for attendees.
    6. Click the 'Presentations' tab to proceed to the next section.


    1. Presentations Module Label: This label is 'Presentations' by default. Rename if desired.
    2. Module Active: Toggle to enable or disable the presentations module.
    3. Presentation Name Label: This label is 'Name' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the name filter for attendees.
    4. Presentation Status Label: This label is 'Status' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the status filter for attendees.
    5. Click the 'Virtual Lounge' tab to proceed to the next section.

    Virtual Lounge

    1. Virtual Lounge Module Label: This label is 'Virtual Lounge' by default. Rename if desired.
    2. Module Active: Toggle to enable or disable the virtual lounge module.
    3. First Name Label: This label is 'First Name' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the first name filter for attendees.
    4. Last Name Label: This label is 'Last Name' by default. Rename if desired.
      1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the last name filter for attendees.
    5. Allowed Registrant Types Label: This label is 'Registrant Types' by default. Rename if desired.
    6. Allowed Registrant Types: All registrant types can enter the Virtual Lounge, but only types that you select here will be seen by others.
        1. Filter Visible: Toggle to enable or disable the registrant types filter for attendees.
      1. Click the 'Submit & Exit' button when finished.

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