Best Practice: Your Counselor Dashboard at

Best Practice: Your Counselor Dashboard at

This email can be sent from any email system.  For Swoogo settings see below:
Swoogo Settings:
  1. Communicate > Notifications & Reminders > Templates > +Create Email
    1. From Email should be "" due to our whitelisting best practices. Ask your PM about upgrading to your org's email address.
    2. (Optional) Reply-To Email - Use this if you would like your recipients' responses to be sent to you instead of to our unmonitored email box.
    3. Create Email Template Body from below
  2. Communicate > Notifications & Reminders > Sent & Scheduled > +Schedule Notification/Reminder
    1. Choose Email Template
    2. Choose a Date Early in and Throughout the Season
    3. Set Registration Status to: "Confirmed"
    4. Deselect checkbox: 'It should be sent to all registrants, regardless of their responses'
      1. +New Condition
      2. Select: All conditions are met below (AND)
      3. 'Sessions' is equal to '[your virtual college fair name]'
      4. 'Registration Type' is equal to 'Counselor'

Hey counselors!

Are you taking advantage of GoToCollegeFairs' FREE Counselor Dashboard?!

That's right, you can access insightful data about your students to help them find the right higher-ed fit. Check out this overview to learn more about the reports and features available, including Express Registration, or watch this quick video walking you through the dashboard's benefits: How and Why to Register Students

Have your CEEB code handy and sign up for your Counselor account today.


Your partners at  (Org Name) & GoToCollegeFairs

(Org Logo)

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