How to Order College Matchmaking™ | GoToCollegeFairs

How to Order College Matchmaking®

Before Getting Started:
  1. Learn more about College Matchmaking® here.
  2. Read this articleWhat Is College Matchmaking®?

NOTE: College Matchmaking® Annual Subscriptions are a different product than College Matchmaking® at college fairs. When College Matchmaking® is included at a college fair, colleges and students receive matches only for participants at that specific fair. When you order the College Matchmaking® annual subscription, colleges receive matches for students who have opted in to this service outside of participation at college fairs and opted in to this service at college fairs where College Matchmaking® was not available. Learn more about the specifics here.

Go to and select Products > College Matchmaking®

This page walks through the College Matchmaking® service and its benefits.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to fill out the "Colleges Explore Matches Now (it’s free!)" form, and select Explore My Matches Now.

This will dynamically populate the amount of current students in our database that are "matches" with your university.  Select Order Now.

Fill out the order form and select Subscribe. 

After an order is placed, there are TWO action items required to receive leads from College Matchmaking®:

1. Complete the College Matchmaking™ form: an email from with the subject line "Complete Your College Matchmaking® Order" will be sent to the Ordered by Email Address. This email contains a link to the College Matchmaking® form. 

Click this link in the email:

The LeadsEmail is the email address associated with a GoToCollegeFairs secure lead portal. This is where subscribers will access and download ALL leads generated through College Matchmaking®. This email address will be needed later when setting up the secure lead portal. 

Fill out the form and click Submit. 
Colleges MUST complete this form to receive College Matchmaking® leads.

2. Register for a secure lead portal: an email with the subject line "Student Data is Coming Your Way! for College Matchmaking®" will be sent to the LeadsEmail entered on the College Matchmaking® form. Follow the link in the email shown below to set up a secure lead portal (if one does not already exist). If an account already exists, log in here.

A link to our article with instructions on how to set up a secure lead portal is included in this email, or read: Setting Up A Secure Lead Portal.

All College Matchmaking® leads will be instantly available in the secure lead portal associated with the lead portal email address provided.

For more information on:
  1. Setting up your GoToCollegeFairs secure lead portal, please read: Setting Up A Secure Lead Portal
  2. How to sort College Matchmaking® leads, please read: How to Sort College Matchmaking® Leads

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