- Download the College Matchmaking™ subscription lead file attached below
- Key for Address Verification columns X through AP:
Column Definition
MNSADD1 - "Standardized Delivery Address"
MNSADD2 - "Standardized Firm Name"
MNSCITY - "Standardized City"
MNSSTATE - "Standardized State"
MNSZIP - "5-Digit ZIP Code"
MNSZIP4 - "ZIP+4 Addon Code"
MNSDPBC - "Delivery Point Bar Code"
MNSCHKDIG - "Delivery Point Bar Code"
MNSCART - "Carrier Route"
MNSLOT - "Enhanced Line of Travel (ELOT) Number"
MNSLOTORD - "Enhanced Line of Travel (ELOT) Ascending/Descending Flag"
MNSPURB - "Input Urbanization Name"
MNSRETCODE - "Return Code"
MNSLACS - "Lacs Converted Status"
MNSDPV - "DPV Confirmation Indicator"