Scanning: Pricing Model Change - August 2022

Scanning: Pricing Model Change - August 2022

For almost 20 years, GoToCollegeFairs has listened to the higher education professionals we serve and made adjustments to how we operate as a result of that feedback.  This year we are making a big change in an important area.

See related article: How to Order an Access Code

Previously, our pricing was based on the number of reps doing the recruiting and the number of leads expected in a season.  This year, things are different: we are now, by popular request, operating on an annual rather than seasonal ordering model.  Order when it's right for you and use the scanning app for a year, not a season.  As such, there is no longer an 'order open date.'  Instead, orders can be placed at any time of the year.  By the way, you can still order single-day-use of the scanning app. In both cases leads are included and unlimited.  

This change was not made lightly.  We examined many, many use cases including large and small schools with all sorts of order structures.  We selected an annual subscription rate that would be commensurate with previous order costs, so this change was not designed as a price increase.  It was designed as part of our global updates to make it easier for you to work with GoToCollegeFairs.  It is always our goal to make your life better and less complicated through our technology and our customer service.  This decision was made squarely in line with that corporate mission.

We have also updated our app to accommodate many clients who wanted to include scanning at the fair, and in these cases no access code is needed.  Learn more about that here: Quickstart Guide: When Scanning is Included at the College Fair

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